Thursday, February 10, 2011

Introversion is the meeting point between beauty and plainness. It is when on the outside there is only love and warmth, the qualities of any decent human life, but on the inside there is wisdom and perception. It is when on the outside, there are relationships with a few, and on the inside there is enough to fuel a relationship with the world;on the outside there is concern for the present and on the inside there is awareness of the future.Introversion is the door which divides the two;not exclusively, because a door will always open, but protectively because it is night and there are thieves about.

What is night? Night is when no one really knows what they want or what they are doing. Night is when people question things, so the door has to be locked because when people don't know what they want, they steal anything. The treasures of mind developing in silence are always at risk. So there has to be enforced caution.

Introversion should also be exercised  after a party where there has been a sharing of valuables. Here, it has gently to close the door to even the closest friends and then invite in solitude. It is the caution which checks carefully whom it invites in, in the first place, not out of fear but out of love for what has been given in trust to take care of. And yet introversion is not silence anymore than real solitude is.

It is participation, but not only participation. It is speaking with peace, walking with humility, working with love. When action is accompanied by a depth of quality, this is a sign of introversion. It is when instead of staying within you choose to venture through the door, taking something of value to all, with you.

It wont always be night. A time will come when morning will arrive. What happens then? The curtains are drawn and what's inside is visible through the windows. The eyes reflect clearly the life of the mind. Still it can't be touched, but it can be seen and enjoyed.

And when day comes, windows and doors are flung open. The mind is open, accessible and the sunlight makes equal what's inside with what's outside. That will be a time where privacy and individuality , protection and caution will have passed. A unique period of sharing, when minds will be so light that they can pass through each other unhurt and a time when the virtue that introversion has protected will be poured into a common source of joy. It will be heaven


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