Tuesday, November 22, 2005

About a Good Article
Today I happen to read an article by Margaret Wheatley. In the article she explains how our disturbances are actually gift to us. The link to the article is http://www.margaretwheatley.com/articles/pleasedisturb.html. Would like to Quote a paragraph from it

"In graduate school, I had one professor who encouraged us to notice what surprised or disturbed us. If we were surprised by some statement, it indicated we were assuming that something else was true. If we were disturbed by a comment, it indicated we held a belief contrary to that. Noticing what disturbs me has been an incredibly useful lens into my interior, deeply held beliefs. When I'm shocked at another's position, I have the opportunity to see my own position in greater clarity. When I hear myself saying "How could anyone believe something like that?!" a doorway has opened for me to see what I believe. These moments of true disturbance are great gifts. In making my beliefs visible, they allow me to consciously choose them again, or change them."

A Nice article worth read.

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