Sunday, February 01, 2015


You have tried many times not to be angry, you have decided so many times, but still it happens. you have tried not to be greedy, but again and again you fall into the trap.You have tried all kinds of things to change yourself, but nothing seems ever to remain the same.

And here I am saying that there is a simple key-awareness. You cannot believe it. How can awareness, just awareness, help when nothing else has been of any help?Keys are always very small;keys are not big things. A small key can open a big lock.

When people would ask Budha, " What should we do not to be angry, or what should we do not to be greedy, or what should we do not to be so much obsessed with  sex or food?" his answer was always same. be aware. Bring awareness to your life.

 His disciple Ananda, listening again and again to every kind of person- different problems, but the prescription of the physician remains the same-became puzzled. He said, "what is the matter with you? They bring different kinds of illness-somebody brings greed and somebody  sex and somebody food and somebody something else- but your prescription remains the same."

And Budha said, "Their illness are different-just as people can dream different dreams". If two thousand people falls asleep, they will have two thousand dreams. But if you come to me and ask how to get rid of this dream , the medicine will remain the same; wake up!Its not going to be different; the prescription is going to be the same. You can call it awareness, you can call it witnessing, you can call it remembering, you can call it meditation - these are different names for the same medicine

-Excerpts from OSHO

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