Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Love has asserted supremacy in my life.

Just Got this interesting piece as if read from my heart...

Love has asserted supremacy in my life.

I sit here helpless, I cannot hide. Oh, the pain of my open Heart in this world of Shadows. Shadows we surrender to, holding onto for security, thinking they are reality.

I was one of the Shadow’s friends, thinking I knew who I was, that I was in control. Oh, my arrogance, until this moment.

“Open your Heart”, my inner voice says clearly. “Confront your fear of falling, out of control, into an unknown land, uncharted.” But the pain, the pain is unbearable; I scream in terror, please no more, I cannot take any more.

Have mercy on me.

“There is no alternative”, the Voice says compassionately. The Voice of the Heart of Love now sings to me, serenading my soul.

“Love isn’t sentimental, but is the glue that connects, and keeps the entire Universe whole.” From the tiniest sub-atomic particles, to the flowering of plants, to the creation of life, planets, stars, galaxies, Love is there.

“Love is not something you give when it is to your advantage, or only when it will be returned. Love simply is. Now, let your ego occupy its true place as an instrument of my Heart; give yourself to others.”

I now experience a calm and serenity that I have never known before this moment. The Voice of the Heart of Love nurtures me, saying, “Can you feel my living presence inside and all around you? Like a slow moving stream through a thick forest on a warm day, moving continuously, always there.”

This is the experience of Life. Everything is alive and in motion; the trees, animals, birds, fish, and even the rocks, mountains, the wind, the stars, the whole Universe is alive.

“You are part of this Life. You are this Life. The creation of the Universe did not just happen in the past, but is going on in you and in the world every moment.”

The Voice of the Heart of Love says: “The end of the world is near. The hurt you feel is part of the plan. The pain of birth, the pain of awakening from the Shadow world. This is only the beginning for you. For you to be my servant, you must face Death.” I respond, confidently, saying that I am not afraid of Death. The Voice says, with mild amusement, “Is that So?”

“Listen to me now.” All of a sudden, my petty fears, insecurities, hurt, and all that I have grown to identify with in this world become visible. An explosion rocks inside of me. Like a sea of red blood, so cloudy, I see the truth of myself.

The Shadows still have a hold on me. “Let go my child, release all your doubts into me.” Once again, the childish vision of myself is demolished.

The Voice of the Heart of Love continues, saying, “This is the message of your life. Remember, the Shadow world does not want to hear these words.”

“This is how you will confront Death. Give yourself and be available as an empty vessel for my Love. Love everyone, especially those that are different than you. When you can still love those that hate you, then you will be doing my work.”

“Now is the time. Start right where you are, with yourself. Then, be a witness for Love, a source of uplift and healing around you, and reflect this into the community and world. Connect with others who are doing the same. As these circles gather, let the entire cosmos ring with the vibration of this Spiritual Power.”

I sat up refreshed, full of life, and with so much peace.

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